Angelina Darrisaw Cheeks

Mar 8, 20213 min

Happy International Women's Day!

This week in women's history, we are celebrating our CEO. Hear how she generated $1M during a crisis in this conversation with Black Enterprise.

ICYMI: Angelina Darrisaw sat down with Selena Hill for Black Enterprise's "New Norm" show.

Inclusion Matters Online the Same Way It Matters Offline

New Client Alert!

Last week, we partnered with LinkedIn to facilitate a discussion on diversity and the importance of being inclusive in your online presence and communications.

Key takeaways:

  • While vulnerability helps drive inclusion, we should all push ourselves to connect and respect people with who we don't see commonalities with.

  • We all have privilege in different ways. We can drive further inclusion by using our platforms to lift and amplify the voices of other marginalized groups.

  • Be willing to be wrong. We are all learning as we go and driving inclusion in the workplace requires the courage to enter the conversation, knowing that you may be wrong and have to grow.

We also participated in a fireside chat for Verizon Media on retaining diverse talent and driving more leadership roles in the DEI space.

Key takeaways:

  • Lean into uncomfortable conversations, as that is the only way to drive progress.

  • Don't assign prescriptions for how things should be done. Every culture will require a different path forward.

  • Be proactive and not reactive in your DEI solutions.

While both events were internal for employees only, here is a throwback of us speaking with Zicklin School of Business on Navigating Your Company's Workplace Culture.

Knowing Your Worth and Adding Tax

In the past few years, women have accounted for more than half of:

  • Bachelor degrees

  • Masters degrees

  • Doctorate Degrees

  • Professional Degrees in medicine and law.

Despite earning more educationally, women are still underpaid and underrepresented in the workforce. According to the Census Bureau, women make 82 cents for every $1 men earn. The pay gap continues to widen for Black, Latina, Asian, and Native American women.

Negotiating a raise can seem so daunting at times that the stress gained from just thinking about asking for a meeting can stop you from taking your chances. Know that with enough preparation and practice, you can ensure your success when you ask for your first or next raise!

Timing is Everything - Keep in mind that every team is different. Some companies only allow for raises to be considered after six-months, others require a minimum of a year. Although there are extenuating circumstances, you want to familiarize yourself with the process that senior management and HR conduct when giving raises to employees.

Do you deserve a raise? - Before asking for your raise, the first question that you have to ask yourself before making your attempt is, “Do I deserve the raise?” Often the opinion we have of our work can be a tad bit inflated and we want to make sure that we walk into the negotiation prepared with a detailed list of your contributions to the team and ultimately to your clients. You want to make sure that the work you’ve contributed so far has helped you to stand out from the average performance that your team would expect.

One way to start your self-assessment is to review any notes you’ve obtained from recent performance reviews. If no performance review has been conducted, ask your teammates for individual meetings where you can discuss your current contributions to the team and also ask for feedback on how you could improve moving forward. Feedback will be a big theme throughout this process, both in preparation for the meeting and after.

What to Say During the Meeting - You want to highlight what you are doing beyond the scope of work and how all of that ties back to the clients that you serve. Bring anecdotal evidence to the table. Any positive feedback that you’ve received from clients should be highlighted to show that you are focusing on them and not only yourself. You may also want your sponsor (if you have one attending) to interject from time to time to make sure the meeting isn’t being dominated solely by you.

Lastly, you want to ask for feedback from the senior member on the other side of the negotiation. This shows them that although you are adamant about getting your raise, you are also aware that there may be certain things that you have overlooked and you want those things to come to light so you can improve.

Read our full article on Medium.

Calling All Women Small Business Owners

Grow with Google will be providing resources and digital tools throughout the month to help elevate U.S. women, small business owners. Remember, all of our workshops are FREE and you can join regardless of location.

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